Welcome to the Anti Earth Hour Blog

Earth Hour is bollocks. Earth Hour cynics are encouraged to submit their pictures of power-hungry activities for Earth Hour 2010. Also, any articles or research you've done or if you'd like to be added to the list of supporters... CLICK HERE to upload photos or get in touch with the team.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Herald calls for photos of earth hour

Yes, that’s right! Not only can you get your eco-friendly electricity photos from Earth Hour published on the Anti Earth Hour blog, you may be able to get them into the Herald! They require a comment with every photo…

I’ve submitted the photo of our house, with the following message:

We thought long and hard about the most environmentally friendly way to light our house for earth hour. Candles were out of the question, the carbon emissions are too high (most are made from parrafin wax, derived from oil) and they produce polluting smoke that I wouldn’t want my young son to be breathing. We’ve been lectured for years now about the dangers of second-hand smoke. Torches were just as bad, as disposable batteries are toxic and use a large amount of energy to produce, having higher CO2 emissions than mains electricity.

Furthermore both candles and batteries are mainly made in China these days, and the emissions from transport must also be taken into account. Candles are also a fire hazard, and because of their inefficiency are far more expensive than electricity.

So we finally settled on NZ-made renewable hydro-electricity as the lowest-emission, most eco-friendly way to light our house.

Update: The photo is on the Herald website, along with Dave Mann's photo.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree! Will make a post about this and will link you back. Thanks!
