Welcome to the Anti Earth Hour Blog

Earth Hour is bollocks. Earth Hour cynics are encouraged to submit their pictures of power-hungry activities for Earth Hour 2010. Also, any articles or research you've done or if you'd like to be added to the list of supporters... CLICK HERE to upload photos or get in touch with the team.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Entertainment Tips for Earth Hour Participants

Samuel Dennis has an Earth Hour series highlighting the fact that Earth Hour is not likely to make any effect at reducing electricity consumption and in fact, will cause more harm to the environment.

Earth hour will kill us all! 1 - Lighting
Earth hour will kill us all! 2 - Appliances
Earth hour will kill us all! 3 - Entertainment

His latest effort looks at what the Earth Hour participant might do for entertainment when the lights are off; a snippet of Samuel's work:

What should you do this earth hour? You can’t watch TV, or read this blog, that would use electricity. You can’t work on the car by candlelight, you might cause a nasty explosion. So here are a few suggestions: ...

... You can’t read a book, or play a board game, you’d need to light candles for that, and that could cause immense ecological destruction. You could play “blind mans bluff” in the dark, but may trip over and break all the furniture you stayed home to protect. Or break an arm, requiring the consumption of toxic petrol to take you to the hospital.

No, you’ll just have to go to bed early. But DON’T be tempted to curl up under the covers in your cold unheated bedroom and snuggle with the wife. Population growth will destroy the planet. Keep your hand-knitted hemp underpants on.

To be safe, one of you had better sleep on the couch.

Lie in the cold, dark lounge, on the couch, listening to the hum of the fridge (which you should have left turned on) and contemplate that:

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialised civilisations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” - Maurice Strong, founder of the United Nations Environment Programme. (via Micky’s Muses)
Get used to sleeping in the cold and the dark, it sounds like this won’t be the first night. And then one day, as you cough yourself to death from smoke inhalation (candles), hypothermia and botulism (you did turn the fridge off after all, didn’t you?), at the age of 40, with no children to remember your name, you may feel glad that at least by your sacrifice you may have saved the life of a snail, somewhere. Possibly.


  1. Thanks Madeleine! I had just logged in to cross-post that and you'd already done it!

  2. Your posts are great reads! Really enjoyed all of them.

    Make sure you come sign Mr Linky.
